لا حول ولا قوة الا باللّه


‘The grass is always greener on the other side’ is an attitude which we can find our selves slowly drifting towards. Sometimes we need to step back and appreciate what we have and give thanks to The One who is the source of these blessings.

A few years back during a visit to Turkey I spent sometime near the area of Samsun with students of a Turkish Shaykh.  After every meal it was a practice of the students who had just eaten for one of them to stand and recite a prayer of thanks, the opening line which I will always remember being: Alhumdulillah Alhumdulillah, thumma thumma Alhumdulillah… Which could be translated roughly/literally as:  All praise is due to Allah, All praise is due to Allah, then, then ,All praise is due to Allah…

I came across the following in the wonderful Tafsir al-Mazhari, may Allah the Exalted allow us to benefit from it.

Qadi Thanaullah al-Uthmani said (9/322):

Benefit: The Mujaddid [K: Shaykh Ahmad al-Sirhindi] chose for the obtainment of benefit and repelling of religious and worldly harms the abundant invocation of لا حول ولا قوة الا باللّه (there is no strength nor power except through Allah). He specified the abundant recitation to be that it is recited daily 500 times, and that he before and after it sends salutations upon the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) 100 times.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘Whomever Allah has bestowed a blessing upon and he wishes for it to remain then he should abundantly recite لا حول ولا قوة الا باللّه. It was reported by al-Tabarani from the hadith of Uqbah bin Amir.

And in the two Sahih’s from Abu Mawla in a marfu form that ‘it is a treasure from the treasures of paradise’, and in the al-Nasai’s version it is: ‘Whomever recites لا حول ولا قوة الا باللّه it is a medicine for 99 diseases, the least of them is worry’.


  1. “After every meal it was a practice of the students who had just eaten for one of them to stand and recite a prayer of thanks, the opening line which I will always remember being: Alhumdulillah Alhumdulillah, thumma thumma Alhumdulillah…”.

    Thats beautiful, mashaAllah!
    Good post, kaman 🙂

  2. As salamu ‘alaikum,

    Can not the ‘thumma’ be understand as meaning “1,000 times”. Such as in the phrase Laa thumma Laa = No! A thousand times No!?

    That is to say, could the phrase be understood to mean Alhamdullilah and Alhamdullilah a thousand times (over) Alhamdullilah!?

    I have understood thumma could be used in this way and have understood the phrase this way as I have heard it used many times here where I live as well. Please correct me if I have misunderstood the meaning.


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