The Hanbali School on the Turban

The position of the Hanbali School Regarding the Turban and it’s Description

The ruling for the turban in the Hanbali School is that it is sunnah.  Allamah al-Saffarini said in his commentary on the poem regarding Adab:

The description of the turban in accordance with the sunnah:
The sunnah of the turban after donning it is to hang (it’s tail) and to wrap the tail around the neck. If the turban is without a tail then this is disliked by the scholars. I (Saffarini) say this was the position of our scholars.

Imam al-Saffarini also said:

It is sunnah to hang the tail of the turban, this is why the author of the poem (Allah have mercy on him) said: It is good to hang the tail behind, even it is a hands length or less as transmitted from Ahmad. “It is good” means it is a sunnah and desirable for men…Shaykh Taqi al-Din (Allah be pleased with him) said: hanging the tail between the shoulders is well known in the sunnah…and transmitted from Imam Ahmad (Allah be pleased with him) in hanging the tail behind, but not regarding it’s length as stated in Adab al-Kubra.
You have learned that tahnik is sunnah, and it is to wrap the turban tail under the chin. Shams al-Shami said: wrapping the turban tail under the chin is a sunnah of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and righteous predecessors.
Imam Ibn Muflih states in his Adab al-Kubra that the upshot of his statement in al-Riayah is that it is recommended to have a turban tail for everyone as well as tahnik.
Al-Hijjawi said: meaning combine between wrapping under the chin and a tail.

Imam Ahmad’s Turban

Abd al-Malik al-Maymuni said: I always saw the turban (tail) of Abu Abdullah under his chin, and he held the view that other than this was disliked. Siyar Alam al-Nubala.

Shaykh Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah would wear a Turban
Ibn Abd al-Hadi said about him:

He walked a little further and came across another poor person. He took his turban and split it in to two parts, he gave half of the turban to the poor person and wore the other half.

Source: taken from a post by Shaykh Faris Falih al-Hanbali

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