Wazaif Ibn Taymiyyah


Wazaif Ibn Taymiyyah? Yes! It appears that even Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah despite his well known stance on the issue of innovation (bidah) had some litanies (wazaif) which were not directly established from the sunnah. Two examples are presented below:

Repeating the Fatihah After Fajr Prayer till Sunrise‎

Hafiz Umar bin Ali al-Bazzar said:

I kept his close company for the duration of my stay in Damascus, for most of the day and a large part of the night. He would keep me close to himself such that he would make me sit next to him and I would be able to hear what he recited and the invocations he would make. I witnessed him recite the Fatihah and repeat it for the whole duration of time between (the offering of) Fajr until the sun had risen.‎  Alam al-Aliyyah fi Manaqib Ibn Taymiyyah p38

Wazifa Between Sunnah and Fard of Fajr

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Allah sanctify his soul)… said one day: these two names – referring to al-Hayy and al-Qayyum – have a profound effect on giving life to the heart, indicating that these two names were the greatest name (Ism al-Adham). I heard him saying: Whoever consistently recites 40 times on a daily basis between the sunnah of Fajr and the Fajr prayer: Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum La ilaha illa anta, bi rahmatika astaghith, will attain life of the heart and prevent its death.  Madarij 1/446


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