Al-Khair al-Kathir: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: On The Blessings Reaching Our Master The Messenger of Allah (Allah Bless Him And Give Him Peace)

Hadith Twenty One: From Ammar bin Yasir (Allah be pleased with both of them) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: O Ammar bin Yasir: Allah (the most High) has endowed an angel the ability to hear all of the creation – and in a wording: the names of all of the creation- and he will stand at my grave till the day the day of judgement. No one from my community sends a blessing upon me except that he says: O Ahmad, so and so son of so and so –by his name and the name of his father – sends blessings upon you. And the Lord (عز و جل) has promised that whoever from your community sends a blessing upon you, Allah will send ten blessings upon him, if he increases (the sending of blessings), Allah will increase (the reward).

Reported by al-Bazzar in his Musnad, and reported by Ibn Asakir through various routes of transmission.

And in a wording: Allah (the most High) has given me an angel who will stand at my grave when I have passed away. No one will send blessings upon me except that he will say: So and so son of so and so with his name and the name of his father send blessings upon you. So Allah will send ten blessings upon him in its place.

And in a wording: He who sends blessings upon me Allah sends blessings upon him, and an angel is entrusted with it until he conveys it to me.

Reported by al-Tabarani in his ‘Mujam al-Kabir’ and its chain is good.

Hadith Twenty Two: From Anas bin Malik (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: The closest of you to me on the day of judgement in every place will be those of you send the most blessings upon me in the world (dunya). And he who sends blessings upon me on Friday and Thursday night a hundred times, Allah (the most High) will fulfil a hundred of his needs: seventy from the needs of the afterlife, and thirty worldly needs. Then Allah (the most High) will entrust an angel who will present it in my grave as gifts are presented to you. He will inform me of who sends blessings upon me with his name and lineage/family, and I will record it with me on a white paper.

Mentioned by al-Bayhaqi in his ‘Juz’ in which he discussed the life of the of the Prophets, and it was mentioned by Ibn Bashkuwal.

And reported by Abu al-Yuman Ibn Asakir who added at its end: Indeed my knowledge after my passing away is like my knowledge during my lifetime.

Hadith Twenty Three: From Hasan bin Ali (Allah be pleased with both of them) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: Send blessings upon me in your homes and do not make them graves, and do not take my home an anniversary festival (Eid). Send blessings and peace upon me, for your sending blessings and peace reaches me wherever you are.

Reported by al-Hafidh Diya al-Din in a musnad form, and Ismaeel al-Qadi in a mursal form. Sheikh Taqi al-Din Abul Hasan Ali bin Abd al-Kafi al-Subki said: This hadith is in ‘Sunan Abi Dawud’ without the mention of sending peace (salam), and in this transmission is the addition of the sending peace.

Hadith Twenty Four: From Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: Send much blessings upon me on Friday, and do not make your homes graves and do not make my grave an anniversary festival (eid). Send blessings upon me as your blessings reach me wherever you are.

Reported by Abu Dawud with a Hasan chain.

Hadith Twenty Five: From Abu al-Darda (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: Send much blessings upon on Friday, for it is witnessed (meaning) witnessed by the Angels. No one sends blessings upon me except that his blessing is presented to me until he completes it.
He said: And after your passing away?
He said: And after my passing away, for Allah has forbidden upon the earth the bodies of the Prophets, therefore the Prophet of Allah is alive and provided for.

Reported by Ibn Majah in his ‘Sunan’ and al-Tabarani in his ‘Mujam’.

And in a version: The best of your days is Friday, in it was created Adam, and in it he was taken, in it is the blowing and the passing out of people. So send much blessings upon me on it, for your blessings are presented to me. They said: O Messenger of Allah, how will our blessings be presented to you when your body has decayed?
He said: Indeed Allah (عز و جل) has forbidden for the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets.

Reported by Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, al-Hakim in ‘al-Mustadrak’ and Ibn Hibban in his ‘Sahih’.

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