Al-Khair al-Kathir: Chapter One

Chapter One: Regarding the large reward[1] for the one who sends blessings upon our master the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)

Hadith One: We narrate from Sahih Muslim from Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah sends ten blessings upon him’.
Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud, Al-Nasai and al-Tirmidhi who said: the hadith is Hasan Sahih[2]
Hadith Two: From Abu Talha al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) came one day and happiness was evident in his face. We said: We see that you are happy! He said: An angel came to me and said: O Muhammad, your Lord says: Are you not pleased that no one sends blessings upon you except that I send ten blessings upon him, and no one sends peace upon you except that I send ten peaces upon him’
Reported by al-Nasai and the wording is his, and its narrators are well known and trustworthy. It is also reported by Ibn Hibban in his ‘Sahih’, Imam Ahmad in his ‘Musnad’, al-Bayhaqi in ‘Shuab al-Iman’, al-Hakim in ‘al-Mustadrak’ who said: its isnad is Sahih. The version of Ibn Hibban has: ‘I said: Ofcourse O Lord’[3]
Hadith Three: From Abu Burdah bin Niyar (Allah be pleased with him) Said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: No servant (abd) from my community sends blessings upon me sincerely from himself except that Allah sends ten blessings upon him, and writes for him ten good deeds, and raises him by it ten levels, and wipes away from him by it ten sins’.
And in another wording: ‘Whoever sends blessings upon me sincerely from him heart Allah sends blessings upon him…’ till the end of the hadith
Reported by al-Nasai in his ‘Sunan’ in al-Yaum wal-Laylah, and Ibn Abi Asim.[4]
Hadith Four: From Abdullah bin Amr bin al-Aas (Allah be pleased with them both) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘If you hear the caller to prayer (muadhin) repeat what he says, and send blessings upon me, for the one who sends a blessing upon me Allah sends ten blessings upon him’
Reported by Muslim and al-Nasai
And in a version: ‘Whoever sends blessings upon me the angels sends blessings upon him as long as he is sending blessings, so a servant should make little or much of it’
Reported by Ibn Majah and Saeed bin Mansur.[5]

Hadith Five: From Abd al-Rahman bin Awf (Allah be pleased with him) said: I saw the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) making a lengthy prostration (sajdah). When he raised his head I asked him about it, He (Allah bless him and give peace) said: Gibril met me and said: The one who sends blessings on you, Allah sends blessings on him, and he who sends peace on you, Allah sends peace on him. He said- and I think he said: Ten.

He said: So I prostrated to Allah (عز و جل) out of thanks.’
Reported by Ibn Abi Asim and Ismaeel al-Qadi who did not say: I think he said: ten. And its isnad is good.[6]
[1] A more literal translation may read: ’…multiple rewards…’
[2] Muslim (408) Abu Dawud (1530) al-Nasai (1219) al-Tirmidhi (485) who said: the hadith is Hasan Sahih.
It is reported by Ahmad (2/372, 375) al-Darimi (2772) al-Bukhari in ‘Al-Adab al-Mufrad’ (645) Ismaeel al-Qadi in ‘Fadl al-Salat ala al-Nabi’ (8,9) Ibn Abi Asim in ‘Al-Salat ala al-Nabi’ (53,54) Abu Yaala (6464) Ibn Hibban (906) al-Bayhaqi in ‘Al-Shuab’ (1454)
[3] Al-Nasai (1206) Ibn Hibban (915) Ahmad (4/29) al-Bayhaqi in ‘Al-Shuab’ (1460) al-Hakim in ‘Al-Mustadrak’ (2/420) who said: this hadith is Sahih in terms of its isnad and al-Dhahabi agreed with his grading.
Also reported by Ibn al-Mubarak in ‘Al-Zuhd’ (1027) Ibn Abi Shaibah (11837) al-Darimi (2773) Ismaeel al-Qadi (2) Ibn Abi Asim (32) and al-Tabarani in ‘Al-Kabir’ (4724).
The angel in the second version was named as being Gibril (upon him be peace)
The narrator Suleiman the mawla of al-Hasan was declared trustworthy by Ibn Hibban (6/385) who cited narrations from him in his ‘Sahih’, likewise al-Hakim declared his narrations to be Sahih aswell as al-Dhahabi, therefore he is not unknown (majhul). Refer to ‘Al-Thiqat’ of Ibn Hibban.
[4] Ibn Abi Asim (42) Al-Nasai in ‘Amal al-Yaum wal-Laylah’ (9893) and he has another supporting narration for it narrated from Saeed bin Umair al-Ansari from his father (9892).
It is also reported by al-Bazzar –‘Kashf al-Astar’ (3160) and al-Haithami said (10/162): ‘Reported by al-Bazzar and its narrators are trustworthy’.
And also by al-Mizzi in ‘Al-Tahdhib al-Kamal’ (11/27) and mentioned by al-Sakhawi in ‘Al-Qawl al-Badi’ (p.160) who said: ‘Reported by Ishaq bin Rahaway and al-Bazzar with a chain whose narrators are trustworthy’
[5] Muslim (384) al-Nasai (1642)
It is also reported by Ahmad (2/168) Abu Dawud (523) al-Tirmidhi (3614) who said: This hadith is Hasan Sahih. Al-Nasai (1642) al-Bayhaqi in ‘Al-Sunan al-Kubra’ (1/409) al-Baghawi in ‘Sharh al-Sunnah’ (421) and it is present in ‘Al-Qawl al-Badi’ (p.168, 270)
As for the words of the author regarding the other version it is not a follow up to the first hadith, rather it is a separate hadith in itself which is of similar wording to hadith 7 to be mentioned in the this collection, its reference can be found there.
[6] Ibn Abi Asim (45) Ismaeel al-Qadi (7) in an abridged form.
It is also reported by Ibn Abi Shaibah (11838) Ahmad (1/191) Abu Yaala (847) in a lengthier version, al-Hakim (1/55) who said: This hadith’s isnad is Sahih and al-Dhahabi agreed. Al-Bayhaqi in ‘Al-Shuab’ (1456). Al-Haithami mentioned it in ‘Majma al-Zawaid’ (2/287) and referenced it to Ahmad, and said: Its narrators are trustworthy. And finally al-Sa
khawi in ‘Al-Qawl al-Badi’ (p.156).

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