Al-Khair al-Kathir: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: On The Necessity Of  Sending Blessings Upon Our Master The Messenger of Allah (Allah Bless Him And Give Him Peace)

Hadith Twenty Six: From Ali bin Abi Talib (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: The miser is the one to whom I am mentioned and then he did not send blessings upon me.

And in a wording: And did not send blessings upon me

Reported by al-Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban in his ‘Sahih’, al-Hakim in his ‘Mustadrak’ and al-Tirmidhi in his ‘Jami’ who said: the hadith is Hasan Sahih.

Hadith Twenty Seven: From Abu Dharr (Allah be pleased with him) said: One day I went to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) who said: Shall I not inform you of the most miserly of people?

They said: Of course O Messenger of Allah

He said: The one to whom I am mentioned and he does not send blessings upon me, that is the most miserly of people.

And in a wording: It is sufficient for a person being a miser that I am mentioned to him and he does not send blessings upon me.

Reported by Ismaeel al-Qadi

Hadith Twenty Eight: From Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah said: Humiliation to the man to whom I am mentioned and he does not send blessings upon me, humiliation to a man upon whom enters the month of Ramadan and passes before he is forgiven, humiliation to a man whose parents reach old age and they do not enter him into paradise.

Reported by Imam Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi.

Hadith Twenty Nine: From Sahl bin Sa’d al-Saidi (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: There is no minor washing (wudu) for the one who does not send blessings upon me.

Reported by Ibn Majah and Ibn Abi Asim.

And is a version: There is no prayer for the one who does not send blessings upon his Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).

And in a version: ‘The prayer is not accepted except with purification and sending blessings upon me.’  O Allah send blessings and peace upon him.

Reported by al-Darqutni Allah be pleased with him.

Hadith Thirty: From Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with them both) said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: He who forgets to send blessings upon me diverges from the path to paradise.

Reported by Ismaeel al-Qadi in various forms from Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir, from his father from the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in a mursal form, and its chain is Hasan.

And reported by Ismaeel al-Qadi in a mursal form, and its chain is Hasan.

And reported by al-Tabarani in a muttasil form, and its wording is: He to whom I am mentioned and fails to send blessings upon me, diverges from the path to paradise.

And reported by Abu Hurayrah with the wording: He who forgets to send blessings upon me diverges from the path to paradise.

Reported by Ibn Abbas with his wording.

And in a version: He to whom I am mentioned and does not send blessings upon me is wretched.

And in a version: He who does not send blessings upon me has no religion (din).

This version was mentioned by Muhammad bin Hamdan al-Marwazi.

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