Some Ulema from al-Ahsa
Salam A picture of 3 ulema taken a few decades ago I believe. InshAllah I will post in the near future on the scholar second from the left once I have confirmed that it is who I think it is.…
Salam A picture of 3 ulema taken a few decades ago I believe. InshAllah I will post in the near future on the scholar second from the left once I have confirmed that it is who I think it is.…
Salam You cannot put a price on the value of getting good advice from someone. Seeing some very young ulema barely out of their teens being in the position of offering advice/issuing fatawa does make me wonder what depth and…
Salam The term Sayyidi, or its shortened version ‘Sidi’ has now become a standardised term in the vocabulary of the ‘Traditonal Knowledge’ camp. A friend of mine who heard the term for the first time being used left right and…