Burda From The Hijaz



Looking through some of the old audio’s I still have (alhumdulilah), I found the following heartwarming rendition of a chapter of the burda from a gathering in the Hijaz.  I was given the file by some Hijazi students studying at University in the Eastern Province of Saudia Arabia.


Hijazi Burda


  1. Bismillah…

    Masha Allah sidi Kakzai, please continue to bless us with your audios…

    I noticed that the recitors pronounced the letter Qaf like the Hadramis. I was wondering about the hadrami influence on the Hijaz, especially when many of their greatest scholars had moved their, such as Habib Ahmed Mashhur bin Taha al-Haddad and Habib Abdul-Qadir bin Ahmed as-Saqqaf…

    As a side note, anyone wishing to systematically download the audios from this blog could do so by opening Itunes and subscribng to the following feed:


    May Allah bless you all,

    Please keep me in your duas,


  2. Wa Alaikum Salam Wa Rahmatullah

    Thankyou for your valuable comments.

    About the gathering, I think the some of the recitors may have Hadrami roots, thus explaining their pronounciation of the qaaf.

    However, I remember when hearing Sayyid Maliki for the first time many years ago noticing his pronouncing the qaaf very similarly to the Hadrami’s. On enquiring from a Hijazi I was told that the pure Makkan accent is to pronounce the qaaf in a similar way to the hadrami’s!

    If someone could verify the accuracy of this it would be appreciated.


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