Category Kaydani/Umdah

Kaydani: Wajibat of the Prayer -Pt.4

*Chapter Two: The Compulsory Elements (wajibat)They are twenty-one in totalAmongst them that which relate/apply to all worshippers in all prayers, and they are seven in total.And amongst them that which are specific to some worshippers in some prayers, and they…

Kaydani: Faraid of the Prayer – Pt.3

As for (the obligatory elements) within (the prayer), they are seven:1- Standing[1]2- Recitation[2]3- Bowing[3]4- Prostration[4]5- The final sitting[5]6- Order in the performance of an action which is performed once in each unit or the whole prayer[6]7- Exiting with an action[7]…