Category Other

Hanbali Text on Imam Hussain and Karbala

Salam Have any of the classical Hanbali scholars made mention of Imam Hussain and Karbala in their works? The answer is: Yes. Imam Ibn Abd al-Hadi al-Maqdisi, better known as Ibn al-Mibrad (d.909 Hijri) discussed this in his work related…

How Are You?

Salam, Please find below some advice regarding a matter which we may regard as insignificant but was identified by the scholars of the past as in need of rectifying.  Shaykh Abd al-Wahab al-Sharani said in his work Tanbih al-Mughtarrin p.128: And…

Shah Waliullah & a Ba-Alawi Saint

Salam, We have detailed elsewhere on this blog the great Indian scholar Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi’s link to the Ba Alawi tariqah by means of his Hajj journey where he met scholarly members of the family in the Hijaz.  Shaykh Muhammad…