Choosing a Name

Salam, found the following discussion which clarified in a little more detail something I had read in the past, I hope visitors may also find it of benefit.


Basic Ruling
The basic ruling is that it is permissible to name a child with any name aslong as it has not been prohibited. And that it is desirable (mustahab) to name with every name beginning with Abd and linking with one of Allah (the Exalted’s) names.
Abdullah and Abd al-Rahman
The most beloved of names to Allah (the Exalted) are Abdullah and Abd al-Rahman, the basis for this is the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) said: The most beloved of names to Allah are Abdullah and Abd al-Rahman
[Muslim (3/1682)]
And also the narration of Abu Dawud that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) said: Name (ie. your children) with the names of the Prophets, and the most beloved of names to Allah are: Abdullah and Abd al-Rahman…’.
[Abu Dawud (5/237) it chain was weakened by Ibn al-Qattan as in Fayd al-Qadir (3/246) of al-Munawi]
Ibn Abidin mentioned citing al-Munawi that: Abdullah is more virtuous absolutely even than Abd al-Rahman, then the most virtuous of names after them both is Muhammad, then Ahmad, then Ibrahim.
[Hashiyah Ibn Abidin (5/268)]
An Issue of Respecting the Names
The authors of Fatawa al-Hindiyyah however add that: Naming with other than these names in this age is preferable, because the common people shorten them when calling out.
[Fatawa al-Hindiyyah (5/362)]


The Name Muhammad and Understanding the Previous Narrations
Ibn Abidin clarifies that the superiority of naming a child with the name Abdullah and Abd al-Rahman is not absolute, however it is interpreted as referring to those who wish to name a child with a name beginning with ‘Abd…’, as the pagan Arabs would name their children Abd Shams and Abd al-Dar. The above does not negate that the name Muhammad and Ahmad are the most beloved of names to Allah (the Exalted), for He (the Exalted) did not choose for His Prophet (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) except that which is most beloved to Him, and this is the correct position.
[Hashiyah Ibn Abidin (5/268)]


Virtues of the Name Muhammad
The author of Tuhfah al-Muhtaj said: It is not disliked to name with the name of a Prophet or Angel, but rather there is narrated regarding naming with the name of our Prophet (Upon Him be Salutations and Peace) a number of virtues.
[Tuhfah al-Muhtaj (9/373)]


From amongst the virtues reported is that which al-Utbi narrates that the people of Makkah say: There is no home in which there is a person named Muhammad except that they see good and are given provision.
[Mawahib al-Jalil (3/256)]

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