Collective Supplication After the Prayer and Wiping the Face – Hanbali


Please find below some points related to the hanbali school’s view on supplicating with the hands raised and wiping the face after completing the obligatory prayer.

Shaykh Mansur al-Buhuti said in Kashaf al-Qina (1/367):

The Imam supplicates after the Fajr and Asr prayers due to the presence of angels, meaning the angels of the night and day at that time, and they say “amin” to the supplications and thus they are more likely to be answered.  Likewise the Imam supplicates after the other prayers as after the concluding of the prayer is a time of answering.

Wiping the Face After Dua

Imam al-Mardawi in al-Insaf (2/173) said:

A person raises their hand in qunut to their chest and spreads them out, with the palms facing the sky, this was explictly mentioned.  Should a person wipe their face with their hands? there are two views…one of them is that wiping the face is the madhab position and was the practice of Imam Ahmad.  Al-Majd said in his commentary as did the author of Majma al-Bahrayn that this is the strongest of the two views, the author of al-Kafi said this (meaning the view that a person should wipe their face) is superior.

The author of Matalib Uli al-Nuha (1/559) said:

Then a person wipes their face with their hands at this point (after qunut) and also outside of the prayer if they supplicate.  This is due to the generality of the hadith of Umar that, “The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) when he would raise his hands in supplication would not lower them until he wiped his face.” this is reported by al-Tirmidhi.  Also due to his (Allah bless him and give him peace) statement in the hadith of Ibn Abbas, “When you conclude (your supplication) then wipe your face with your hands.”  This was reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.


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