Creed- Gift for the Seeker

From the Ithaf al-Talib by Imam Abu Bakr al-Mulla

“In the name of Allah the most Beneficient the most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, and Salutations and Blessings upon our Master the Messenger of Allah. To proceed: This is a Mukhtasar on fiqh according to the madhab of the greatest Imam: Abu Hanifah (may Allah the exalted have mercy upon him) which the legally responsible person cannot do without if unable to study that which is more detailed than it.

I have summarized it from the books of our companions when I saw that there was a need for it. I have named it Ithaf al-Talib. I ask Allah glorified be He to benefit by it all those desirous [of seeking knowledge and teaching]

Introduction: The Correct Belief: It is to know that Allah is: Existent and is necessarily existent, beginningless, everlasting, one, self sufficient, dissimilar to created things.

From His attributes are: Life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, seeing, speech His essence does not resemble other essences and His attributes do not resemble other attributes.

He is free from attributes of deficiency, nothing is incumbent upon Him Qadr, the good and the evil is from Him.

He the Exalted sent His Messengers and revealed to them Books and divinely protected them from sins.

The Angels are servants of Allah and are not attributed with sin.

The miracles of the Saints are true.

Death is according to lifespan.

Committing major sins does not remove one from faith/belief.”

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