
Salam, the short piece below was written some three years ago after the mawlid at Wembley. I came to know of the blessed Sharh of the Shamail by Imam al-Lahji during the lesson of Sh. Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki which we attended during Umra the previous year. This was the lesson whose picture is on the banner above, mashallah after the lesson he kindly gave me, Imran A and Khayyam S licenses to narrate hadith from him (May Allah have mercy on him).

Asslamu Alaikum

Sheikh Hamza’s mentioning at the mawlid recently that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) liked the colour green jogged my memory about something i had read, alhumdulillah I managed to locate it, and thought i would share it with you. I found it in Sheikh al-Lahji’s commentary on the Shamail compiled by Sheikh Yusuf al-Nabahani, the text of the hadith is in square brackets, the rest is Sheikh al-Lahjis explanation, he said (1/293):
[And] Ibn al-Sunni and Abu Nuaym narrate in ‘al-Tibb al-Nabawi’ with a weak chain from Ibn Abbas May Allah be please with them both that:[He] the Messenger of Allah [Peace and Blessings upon Him liked to look at greenery] meaning trees and green vegetation… [and running/flowing water] meaning He loved to look at them and found pleasure in it, His liking to look at them was not for the reason that He would eat the greenery or drink the water

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