Hanbali Text on Imam Hussain and Karbala


Have any of the classical Hanbali scholars made mention of Imam Hussain and Karbala in their works? The answer is: Yes.

Imam Ibn Abd al-Hadi al-Maqdisi, better known as Ibn al-Mibrad (d.909 Hijri) discussed this in his work related to the Islamic months of the year in the entry for Muharram.

He said in his book Ma-arif al-Inam wa Fadl al-Shuhur wal-Ayyam p.71:


The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Hasan and Hussain are leaders of the youth of Paradise.” [Tirmidhi 3768; Ibn Majah 118]

Abdullah bin Nujayy reports from his father that he was travelling with Ali (Upon him be peace)…when they came close to Nineveh on their way to Siffin, Ali called out: Have patience O Abdullah at the banks of the Euphrates! I said: What is this?
Ali replied: I entered upon the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) one day and found that he had tears in his eyes. I said: O Prophet of Allah, has someone upset you? He replied: No. I then said: Why is it that you have tears in your eyes?
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) replied: Gibril visited me and informed me that Hussain will be killed at the bank of the Euphrates, and he said to me: Would you like to smell the fragrance from its soil? I said: Yes. He [Gibril] then extended his hand and took a handful of soil which he gave to me, and I was unable to stop myself crying.” [Imam Ahmad in his Musnad 1/85]

(Poem) I weep over the one murdered in Karbala
His body soaked with blood
I weep over the one murdered by oppressive tyrants
For no reason except Wafa (faithfulness)
I weep for the murdered one for whom weeped out of sorrow
The people of the earth and the heavens

We narrate that: A rock was found 300 years before the coming of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) upon which it was written in Greek:

(Poem) Do the group who murdered Hussain hope for
The intercession of his grandfather on the day of reckoning?

Woe be to the killer of Hussain, how will his matter be with Hussain’s parents and his grandfather!

My brothers! I ask you by Allah, those who were treacherous to Yusuf, with which face can they face Yaqub?

(Poem) Fatima will pass through on the day of judgement
Her shirt having the blood of Hussain on it
Woe be to the one whose supposed intercessors will in fact be his enemies
On the day of judgement when people are resurrected.

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