Imam Ahmad Rida Khan's Ijazah to Sh Abd al-Hayy al-Kattani

Salam. Me and a number of others were surprised to read the chain of narration (cited by Dr Akram al-Nadwi in the introduction to Shah Abd al-Aziz al-Dehlawi’s work ‘Bustan al-Muhaddithin’)- in which Dr Akram narrates via Sh Abd al-Hayy al-Kattani to Imam Ahmad Rida Khan. Dr Akram translated the book from its original Persian into Arabic, this translation later received an English edition wherein the above chain of Dr Akram was produced. May Allah the Exalted rewards him generously for his meticulous work!
Looking through the work called ‘Al-Ijazatul Matinah li Ulama Bakkah wal Madinah’ which is a collection of ijazah’s granted by Imam Ahmad Rida to various scholars of the haramain who requested it from him, I found a copy of the ijazah granted to Sh Abd al-Hayy al-Kattani.
A Close Link to Shah Abd al-Aziz
What readers should note is that between Imam Ahmad Rida and Shah Abd al-Aziz al-Dehlawi is only one Sheikh. And therefore should also dispell any doubts regarding the close relationship of Imam Ahmad Rida and scholars of the same viewpoint as him to Shah Waliullah and his family.
My Link
As for me, seeing as this post deals with the Hijazi chains of transmission to Imam Ahmad Rida, and mentioning by way of giving thanks for blessings bestowed on someone totally undeserving:
I was fortunate enough to hear the hadith of firstness (awwaliyyah) and listen to, read and hear the recitation of other fellow students to parts of Sahih al-Bukhari from Sh Ibrahim al-Khalifah al-Hasani al-Ahsai, who in turn narrates from Sh Diya al-Din al-Madani, who was given ijazah by Imam Ahmad Rida. From this chain I have between myself and Imam Ahmad Rida two narrators.
I also directly narrate the hadith of firstness and have general ijazah from Sh Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, obtained a few months before his passing away in his home in Makka. He in turn narrates from Sh Mustafa Rida Khan, who is from the family of Imam Ahmad Rida.
What follows below is a partial translation of the meaning of the ijazah granted to Sh Abd al-Hayy al-Kattani (p.119 onwards).
In the name of Allah, the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the one for those who have no one, and the support for the one who has no support. The most excellent blessings and perfect peace upon the master of the generous and support of the creation, the seal of the chain/series of honoured Prophets. And upon his family and companions, the narrators of his knowledge and preservers of his manners.
To proceed: The righteous hadith specialist, complete scholar, the Sayyid of noble lineage, expert, gathering point of virtues, source of excellence: Mawlana, al-Sayyid, al-Sheikh Muhammad Abd al-Hayy Ibn al-Sheikh al-Kabir al-Sayyid Abd al-Kabir al-Kattani al-Hasani al-Idrisi al-Fasi. The Muhaddith of the west, rather the Muhaddith of the non Arabs and the Arabs, the Lord willing, visited me whilst I was staying in the holy land (Balad al-Haram), with three days remaining from Dhil Hijjah in the year 1323.
He came and heard from me the pattern chained hadith of firstness (musalsal bil awwaliyyah), and this was the first hadith he heard from this weak servant. Just as I heard it from my master and guide, my liegelord and support in this world and the next: Sayyidina al-Shah Aal-Rasul al-Ahmadi, Allah be pleased with him eternally. And this was the first hadith he heard from the Muhaddith of India, well known to the Arabs and those in Sindh: Mawlana al-Shah Abd al-Aziz al-Dehlawi. And this was the first hadith he heard from his Sheikh and father: al-Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi. And his chain is well known and mentioned in his work on pattern chained narrations (musalsalat). And he also requested from me an ijazah and permission for all that I narrate from my noble Sheikhs who are:
1) Our master and guide whose noble mention has just passed
2) My master and father, the patron of the blessings upon me, the seal of the verifying scholars, the Imam of the earlier scholars, the defender of the sunnah and effacer of tribulation. Author of amazing works, overpowering proofs and radiant path: Hadrat Mawlana Muhammad Naqi Ali Khan, al-Qadiri al-Barkati al-Barelwi, Allah sanctify his powerful secret (died 1297) narrating from his noble father the knower of Allah Sayyidina Mawlawi Rida Ali Khan, Allah sanctify his secret.
3) The Sheikh of the scholars of the secure city, the trustworthy Imam, hadith specialist, jurist: Our master al-Sayyid Ahmad bin Zayn Dahlan al-Makki, Allah sanctify his angelic secret, narrating from Sheikh Uthman al-Dimyati.
4) Mawlana Imam al-Hummam, the lantern of Allah in the holy land: Abd al-Rahman bin Mawla Abdullah al-Siraj, the Mufti of the hanafi’s in Makkah the protected, Allah protect them both, narrating from al-Mawla Jamal bin Abdullah bin Umar the Mufti of the hanafi’s.
5) Mawlana the pious Sayyid Hussein Salih Jamal al-Layl, the Sheikh of the preachers and Imam of the Shafi’s in the holy lands, Allah the most High protect him, narrating from al-Mawla Abid al-Sindhi.
6) Mawlana, the grandson of my guide, and his successor, possessor of exalted mastery, beautiful felicity and immense stations: Sayyidina al-Shah Abil Hussein Ahmad al-Nuri, Allah most High perpetuate his enlightenment with both metaphorical and actual light, narrating from al-Shah Ali Hussein al-Muradabadi.
This low servant was not at that rank (such that he be requested for an ijazah by Sh al-Kattani)and is not fit for this:

It was incumbent upon me that I should go to him
But was preceded, and the noble ones are the first
Despite that the one ordered is excused, not least when the order is from the likes of the well known Sayyid, with the hope that he encompass all of us in the blessings of the pool (hawd) and praiseworthy station (maqam mahmud) by linking to him in the well known way, by sending the most excellent salutations, perfect peace, beautiful greetings and abundant blessings.

And this is because the Sayyid is from the family of the Messenger, and the family (ahl al-bayt) who are honoured in this world and the next and are under divine care. So whoever attains between himself and them a link, it is hoped for him from the generosity of Allah and his blessings of His Messenger (Allah the most High bless him and give him peace) every blessing and gift.
It is due to this beautiful hope and obeying the command of this esteemed Sayyid I have given him permission to narrate all that it is cor
rect for me to narrate from the noble scholars who are praised. I request from him not to forget this low weak servant his brothers, family and lovers in his righteous supplications. And the greatest hope is that with the power of the Lord of the earth and the heavens, on the day we meet his noble grandfather, the master of the Prophets, upon him and them the most excellent blessings and peace.
O Allah the one who sent this beloved as a mercy and blessing, sends salutations, peace and blessings upon him, by the number of that which is in your knowledge and words. And by his status with you, rectify our actions and realise our hopes, lighten our scales, take pity/have mercy on our states. And our last prayer is that all praise is due to Allah the lord of the worlds, peace and blessings upon the master of the Messengers Muhammad, his family and all of his companions.
Saying this with his tongue and writing with his pen, the needy one: Ahmad Rida al-Muhammadi al-Sunni al-Hanafi al-Qadiri al-Barkati. Allah forgive him for all his sins that have passed and those that are to come. Ameen.

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