It-haf: Makruhat of Wudu -Pt.5

Disliked (Makruh) Acts of Wudu[1]
From its disliked (makruh)[2] acts are:
Striking the face with water, excessive use of water[3], to not wash the body parts thoroughly, wiping three times with new water.

[1] The makruhat of wudu are not mentioned in the main text, rather the author mentions them in his commentary Minhaj al-Raghib p.80.
[2] Makruh according to the fuqaha is of two types: ‘makruh tahrimi’ which is meant when the term makruh or karaha is used in its unqualified sense, its ruling is that avoiding it is compulsory (wajib) as mentioned in Fath al-Qadeer.
The second type of makuh is: ‘makruh tanzihi’, its ruling is that avoiding it is better than performing it.
One will find in the books of the hanafi madhab that at times the scholars may classify something as being makruh, but do not specify whether it is tahrimi or tanzihi. In this case it is necessary to look at evidences for that particular issue. If the prohibition regarding it is conjectural (zanni) then it is classified as makruh tahrimi. If the evidence is not prohibitory in meaning but rather indicates that the thing should be left then it is tanzihi. For a more detailed and precise discussion refer to al-Bahr al-Raiq (2/20).
[3] Excess is defined as using more water than is required to perform wudu, due to the hadith of Abdullah bin Umar: ‘The Messenger of Allah (s) passed by Sa’d while he was performing wudu and said, “What is this extravagance, Sa’d?” He said, “Is there extravagance in the use of water?” He said, “Yes, even if you are at a flowing river’. Reported by Ahmad (1/222) and Ibn Majah (425)

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