Kaydani: Permissible Acts in Prayer -Pt.13

*Chapter Seven: The Permissible Acts
They are eleven in total:
The general are eight:
1- Looking with the corner of the eye without turning the face[1]
2- Levelling the place of prostration once or twice due to a reason
3- Killing a snake even if it requires handling[2]
4- That there be in the mouth dirhams and dinars such that they do not prevent from the sunnah recitation
5- That there be in the hand that which does not prevent the sunnah method of placing (the hand)[3]
6- Reciting the Quran in order[4]
7- Adjusting the garment so that it does not stick to the body when bowing (ruku)[5]
8- Reciting the end of a surah in a unit, and the end of another surah in another unit according to the more correct opinion[6]

The specific are three:
1- Repeating a surah in a unit of the optional prayer[7]
2- To support oneself next to a wall or pillar in the optional prayer, even if without reason
3- The Imam observing those behind him when unsure as to stand if he has stood, and its like[8]

[1] There are three scenarios, each having a different ruling:
One: Permissible: It is to look left and right with the corner of the eyes without moving the neck
Two: Disliked: It is to look by turning the neck left and right
Three: Invalidating: It is to turn the chest away from the qiblah. Al-Tabyin (1/163), Hashiyah al-Shalabi (1/163), Rad al-Muhtar (1/163)
[2] Because it is allowed for the one praying to ward off from himself that which disturbs him in his prayer. This being one of those things. It is said: it is allowed if one is able to kill the snake with a single strike, as for if requiring handling and a number of strikes the prayer is restarted because this is excessive movement. However the stronger opinion seems to be that this is allowed for the one praying. It is similar to walking to make wudu after invalidating ones wudu in whilst praying, and drawing water from a well and washing. Al-Mabsut (1/194)
[3] Meaning that there is in the hand something such as prayer beads, a stick and its like and it does not prevent the one praying from placing the hands according to the sunnah method when standing , bowing, prostrating and sitting. Al-Jawhar
[4] According to the order of the verses and chapters found in the Quran. One can join between surahs in one unit as long as one recites in order. Qadi Khan said: ‘there is no harm in reciting the Quran in the prayer in order, as is known from the practice of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them)’. Al-Jawhar, al-Shurunbulaliyah (1/111)
[5] It is done so that the form of the body may not be apparent. Al-Bahr al-Raiq (2/21), Rad al-Muhtar (1/641)
[6] Al-Shurunbulali said in Hashiyah al-Durar (1/111) : ‘it is not disliked which is the correct opinion’.
[7] Al-Halabi said in Sharh al-Muniyah: ‘if a single verse is repeated a number of times, if in the optional prayer being offered alone it is not disliked, in the obligatory it is disliked except when due to a reason or one has forgot’. Al-Jawhar
[8] This is by the Imam looking with the corner of his eyes to those praying behind him, this is when he is in doubt whether as to stand or sit due to not recalling how many units he has prayed. Therefore by his observing if he sees those behind him standing up he also stands. Al-Jawhar

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