Medinan Hanafi Scholar: Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi

The picture above is of Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi al-Luknawi, one of the great Hanafi scholars of the last 100 years from the illuminated city Medina.
He is best known for his work Manahil al-Salsalah on Musalsal hadith which is regarded to be the most extensive work in this genre.
A number of our teachers were taught by students of Shaykh Abd al-Baqi, such as Shaykh Muhammad al-Mulla and Shaykh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani.
Only a handful scholars today remain (to my knowledge) who are able to transmit the Manahil al-Salsalah with all of its conditions. I queried Shaykh Khalid al-Turkestani about the Manahil and Shaykh al-Fadani, he mentioned to me that he did not have the opportunity to read the full text with Shaykh al-Fadani but rather took some narrations from him from the text, he was however permitted to borrow Shaykh al-Fadani’s copy of the Manahil and transcribe his notes from his personal reading to the author.
Here is a link to a biography of Shaykh Abd al-Baqi:

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