Musalsal Hadith Text in English

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Please find uploaded below (at the end of the post) a brief text on Musalsal hadith which was compiled for the recent visit of Shaykh Yahya bin Muhammad al-Mulla.  I believe it is the first text of its kind in the English language, and we pray to Allah Most High for the ability to translate further on this topic to enable students in the West to be able to linked to this academic legacy left behind by our ulema.

Readers will find the following in the text:

  1. A very simplified diagram of some chains of transmission of Shaykh Yahya al-Mulla
  2. A selection of Musalsal hadith selected from the works Ithaf al-Ikhwan and Al-Ujalah (which Shaykh Yahya read with his teachers)
  3. The Arabic text and translation of the whole chain and hadith
  4. A discussion on the narrations presented taken from a number of sources
  5. A sample ijazah to be signed for scholars or competent students of knowledge who might meet the Shaykh


Safahat 1.2

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