Order of Events in the Afterlife


The following order of events to take place on the day of judgement has been summarized from a work on aqidah by Shaykh Mustafa al-Khin, (a recent Sunni scholar from Damascus). I found it useful in its explaining how the different Quranic verses and hadith link together.

The order of events is as follows;

  • After the dead are resurrected they are taken to the gathering place.
  • They will head towards the Hawd (Lake) as they will be thirsty. Note: each Prophet will have a Hawd as per the hadith in Tirmidhi.
  • In the gathering place there will be intense heat as the sun draws closer. Note: some people will not suffer here as per the hadith of those shaded by the Throne. A hadith in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad mentions that this stage will pass very quickly for the pious.
  • The great intercession of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) will then take place for the reckoning to begin. This is after people rush to other prophets asking them to intercede.
  • Then the accounting (hisab) will take place of actions. Note: people will differ on this stage, some bypassing it as being those who ‘enter paradise without being taken to account’.
  • After this a person receives their book regarding their actions.
  • Then there will be the weighing of actions. Note: those who have equal level good and bad actions are referred to as the people of Araf.
  • Then people will traverse the sirat, some falling off in to the hellfire.
  • Then people will enter Paradise, at their head the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).

We ask Allah Taala to make us from those who drink from Hawd, are under the shade of the throne, are not taken to account, receive our books in the right hand, have a heavy scale of good actions. Traverse the sirat easily and enter Paradise. Amin

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