Shaykh Tariq Sardar from Mecca

Assalamu Alaikum, the above image is of Shaykh Tariq Sardar from Mecca who visited us in the UK some years back.
Assalamu Alaikum, the above image is of Shaykh Tariq Sardar from Mecca who visited us in the UK some years back.
Asslamu Alaikum, We are pleased and fortunate to announce the next in our series of special guest lectures with Shaykh Rami Nsour al-Idrisi from the Tayba Foundation in California. Shaykh Rami will be speaking on the topic of the personal…
The first lesson on the classical Hanbali primer Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat.Topics covered: Who is obliged to pray; takfir of those who do not pray in the Hanbali school; when can the prayer be delayed out of its time; the Adhan and…