Kaydani: Unlawful Acts in Prayer -Pt.10

*Chapter Five: The Unlawful Acts[1]The general are fourteen:1- Reciting the tasmiyah aloud[2]2- Reciting the amin aloud[3]3- Turning part of the face right and left[4]4- Looking towards the sky[5]5- Supporting oneself upon a pillar, or hand or similar without an excuse[6]6-…

Kaydani: Mustahab Acts of Prayer- Pt.8

*Chapter Four: The Desirable ActsThey are twenty three in totalThe general are fourteen:1- Not turning left or right[1] as it is has been said[2]2- Covering the mouth when yawning[3]3- Repelling coughing as much as possible4- Reciting more than three verses[4]5-…