An Introduction and Imam al-Mahdi

Salam. Two brief passages which caught my attention. The first is the way in which Sh. Abd al-Hayy al-Luknawi started his book ‘Zafar al-Amani. The other is a brief comment rearding Imam al-Mahdi and the issue of ijtihad and madhabs…

Imam al-Dhahabi Explains Love

Salam. Another point to reflect over from Imam al-Dhahabi’s book ‘Siyar al-Ialam al-Nubala’. (Please note that he was a student of Ibn Taymiyyah) *** In the biographical entry of Ubaidah bin Amr (Allah have mercy on him) he said: .…

Balancing Deen and Dunya: Imam al-Dhahabi

Salam. I found the following quote on an Arabic forum where brief selections from Imam al-Dhahabi’s magisterial ‘Siyar al-Ialam al-Nubala’ were posted. Hope they maybe of some benefit. . Balancing Deen and DunyaImam al-Dhahabi under the biographical entry for the…