Sunni Tribalism

“Our Shaykh is a leading authority on X number of sciences” Do not be fooled by such statements. Yes, your Shaykh studied these sciences, but that does not make him a leading expert on those subjects.
“Our Shaykh is a leading authority on X number of sciences” Do not be fooled by such statements. Yes, your Shaykh studied these sciences, but that does not make him a leading expert on those subjects.
Salam, By the grace of God we began the teaching of the Jawharat al-Tawhid text on Aqidah (theology) with the Karima students at the beginning of this academic year (September 2019).
Salam, I was very happy to finally get hold of this excellent work on classical Hanbali Athari aqidah by one of the foremost specialists in the field. I was fortunate enough to speak to the editor some time back and…