The Books of Hadith and Madhabs

Salams apologies for the long delay, ill try to post regularly Inshallah, a lot has happened since I last posted alhumdulillah. Doubt: The founders of the madhabs may have missed many of the hadith that we know of today. This…

Give that pen back…!

Sheikh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, talking about wara’ (scrupulousness) and following the Prophetic sunnah in his notes to Imam al-Muhasibis work, p156: “Meaning his knowledge is based upon acts of wara’ (scrupulousness), not dispensations and lenient rulings, this is the…

Understanding Love….

Most of us have heard of the hadith about the importance of loving the Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam), I can’t exactly remember where i bought the book Lamahat min Tarikh al-Sunnah wa Ulum al-Hadith of Sheikh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah,…