The Nasafi Creed

Salam A project we are currently working on is a new English edition of the Nasafi creed with a set of simple and easy to understand explanatory notes. This text is  widely taught across the Muslim world, especially in areas…

Order of Events in the Afterlife

Salam The following order of events to take place on the day of judgement has been summarized from a work on aqidah by Shaykh Mustafa al-Khin, (a recent Sunni scholar from Damascus). I found it useful in its explaining how…

Shaykh Qushayri’s Horse

Salam Imam al-Dhahabi said: Shaykh Abul Qasim Abd al-Karim al-Qushayri was gifted a horse which he rode for close to 20 years. When the Shaykh died his horse refused to eat anything and died a week later. (Siyar 18/227)