We received the sad news yesterday of the passing of Shaykh Yaqub Ali Murad al-Balushi al-Makki, one of the senior most and elderly hanafi scholars of the sacred city of Mecca.
Shaykh Yaqub was born in the Kerman region of Iran and travelled widely in pursuit of knowledge, acting as a judge in the city of Buraimi in current day Oman before settling in the sacred city of Mecca.
He kept a low profile and shunned fame whilst at the same time serving students of knowledge who came to him. In the 1970s for example he tutored Shaykh Yahya al-Mulla during his student days in Mecca, reading with him works such as the Lubab and Maraqi al-Falah in their entirety.
He was well known for his piety and zuhd, being well known for his performing 2 umrahs every day during the month of Ramadan.
The picture above of Shaykh Yaqub was taken at a mawlid in his home in Mecca on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal 2015 where the Barzanji mawlid and other qasaid were recited.
May Allah Taala have mercy on him and give his family steadfastness at this time.