Pattern Chain Narration of Tying the Turban

الشيخ عبد الله بن محمد الغازي المكي

Sayyidi Fadani


The following is the translation of the Musalsal hadith (pattern chained narration) which a number of students received upon the completion of the reading of Imam Ibn Abi Jamrah’s abridgement of Sahih al-Bukhari.  The reading took place in the latter part of the month of Ramadan 2013, spanning approximately 8 days and culminating at iftar time on the 27th night in the town of High Wycombe (UK).

The reading was supervised by Shaykh Khalid Abd al-Karim al-Turkestani, a Makkan born and raised scholar who is noted for his being a close student of the great Makkan hadith specialist, Shaykh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani.

In the course of the 8 days we read a number of musalsal hadith narrations from the text Ithaf al-Ikhwan, however Shaykh Turkestani saved a number of special musalsal hadith narrations for the Khatam of the text, amongst them being the narration below.  InshAllah a more detailed review of the reading will be posted in the near future along with some pictures of the event.

Note 1:  The picture above is of Shaykh al-Fadani wearing a Turban along with a picture of Shaykh Abdullah Ghazi al-Makki from whom he received this musalsal, also wearing a Turban.

Note 2:  There is a video online of Shaykh Habib Ali Jifri transmitting a similar narration of the Turban via the Ba Alawi Shuyukh.  When Shaykh Turkestani was asked about this mentioned that the chain of the Ba Alawi Shuyukh in the video was for the wearing of the Khirqah (Sufi Cloak) as opposed to the Turban. Tthus these are two separate narrations which it would appear have become mixed up, and Allah Taala knows best.


Shaykh Muhammad Yasīn al-Fādānī said:

I was informed by the two scholars Abdullah bin Muĥammad al-Ghãzī and Shãkir bin Saeed al-Farrã’ Ibn al-Ĥussain al-Ad-hami al-Tamimi al-Salihi, both of them tying their turban upon my me;

Both of them said:  Abd al-Razzaq bin Hasan al-Baytar al-Dimashqi narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

My uncle Muhammad Amin Effendi al-Baytar al-Dimashqi tied his turban upon me and said;

Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Bajuri narrated to me in Egypt and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abdullah bi Hijazi al-Sharqawi narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Muhammad bin Salim al-Hanafi al-Azhari narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Khalifi narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abu al-Diya’ Ali bin Ali al-Shabramalsi narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ali bin Ibrahim al-Halabi narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ali bin Yahya al-Ziyadi narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

The jurist Ahmad bin Muhammd Ibn Hajar al-Makki narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Yusuf bin Abdullah al-Armiyuni narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr al-Suyuti narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ahmad bin Abd al-Qadir al-Shawi narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abd al-Wahhab bin Ali al-Subki narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ahmad Ibn Ali bin al-Hasan al-Jazari narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Muhammad bin Abd al-Hadi al-Hanbali narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abu al-Tahir Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Silafi narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abu Ja’far Ahmad bin Muhammad bin al-Hussain al-Siraj al-Baghdadi al-Qari narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ismaeel Ibn Ibrahim bin Urwah al-Bandaar narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Muhammad bin Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim al-Shafi’i  narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Al-Numan bin Nuaym bin Aban al-Qadi Abu al-Tayyib al-Wasiti narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Al-Hasan bin Khalaf narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ubaydullah bin Tamam narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Khalid al-Khuzai narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

Ghunaym bin Qays narrated to me and tied his turban upon me and said;

Abu Musa al-Ashari narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and said;

“Gibril (upon him be peace) descended upon the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) whilst he was wearing a black turban, the tail of which was hanging behind him”


[Shaykh al-Fadani said:] This is the pattern chained hadith of tying the turban, where each of the narrators had his Shaykh tie his turban upon him and hang the tail behind him.  This is how the two Shaykhs transmitted it, in this form and wording, however it is not mentioned that the Messenger of Allah tied the turban upon Abu Musa al-Ashari.

In the version of al-Nasai in Amal al-Yaum wal-Laylah as cited by Hafiz Abu al-Shaykh in Kitab al-Libas, Ibn Adiyy, Al-Harith bin Abi Usamah in his Musnad, Abu Yaala and Hafiz Abul Hasan bin Jadid al-Alawi in his Musalsalat, the wording of which is:

 Muhammad bin Nasir al-Baghdadi narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and hung its tail behind me and said;

Abu Jafar al-Siraj al-Baghdadi narrated to us and tied his turban upon me and hung its tail behind me and said; [and so on to the end of the chain.]

 It was likewise narrated with this wording and form of transmission by Hafiz Abu Amr Salah al-Din Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Salihi al-Maqdisi in his Musalsalat from Shams al-Dhahabi from Muslim bin Allan al-Qaysi from Yusuf bin Abd al-Mu’ti from Abi al-Tahir al-Silafi who mentioned it in a pattern chained form with wording of every one of its narrators “So and so tied his turban upon me and hung its end behind me.”

 It is from the most rarest of pattern chained narrations and it was not narrated by the people of knowledge except a few.

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