Sharh Kifayah al-Ghulam of Imam al-Nabulsi by Shaykh Abd al-Latif al-Mulla


I was pleased to come across a scan of a useful work by one of the al-Mulla scholars of al-Ahsa, especially as it is not easily available for purchase (I bought my copy in al-Ahsa).  It is the detailed commentary on Imam al-Nabulsi’s 150 line poem on what could be described as the 5 pillars of Islam, with the fiqh being in accordance with the Hanafi school.

I have a very rough draft of a translation of about 40 odd lines from this poem, these were translated at a time when some of us were discussing/thinking about whether the poem would be useful as a brief text to be studied on short courses.

The poem itself was studied in al-Ahsa and other parts of the Muslim world, and was often one of the first few works studied by Hanafi students (as can be deduced by the name of the poem).  Likewise the editor himself mentions that he studied it during his youth in the ‘Shahlubiyyah’ school in al-Ahsa (details and picture of which can be found on this blog).  The only other commentary on the poem is by the author Imam al-Nabulsi, thus making this work quite unique.

Note: Shaykh Yahya al-Mulla is one of the teachers and a relative of the editor.  I personally heard him express his reservations about some of the footnotes in the Aqidah section.  Please be aware of this  and do not be confused about the belief of the al-Mulla scholars.

The commentary can be downloaded from here


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