Smiling and Laughing

Salam. I came across this unique advice from Imam al-Dhahabi about the issue of smiling and laughing, your feedback as usual would be appreciated on what you have read and understood.
Imam al-Dhahabi mentioned in the biography of Yahya bin Hammad (Allah have mercy upon) that:
Muhammad bin Numan bin Abd al-Salam said: I did not see a greater worshipper than Yahya bin Hammad, and I think he never laughed.
Imam al-Dhahabi said:
A little laughter and smiling is preferable, and the absence of it from the knowledgeable scholars falls into two categories:
The First: It is preferable for the one who leaves it out of good manners (adab) and fear of Allah, and sorrow over his impoverished self (nafsihi al-miskinah).
The Second: Blameworthy for the one who does it foolishly, arrogantly and artificially, likewise one who laughs much is seen with contempt. There is no doubt that laughter in the young is a lighter matter and is excused to a greater extent than in the Shuyukh.
As for smiling and a cheerful face it is above all of this, the Prophet (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) said: ‘Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity’.
And Jarir said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) always smiled when He saw me.
So this is from the character traits of Islam, and the highest of ranks/stations is one who is weeping during the night and smiling during the day.
And He (Upon Him be Peace) said: ‘Your wealth will not encompass all of the people, however they will be encompassed with a smiling face’.
There remains a matter: One who is (excessively) laughing and smiling should lessen this, and blame himself until his own self rejects it. And one who is (excessively) frowning and gloomy should smile, and better his character and detest his self for its low character traits. As all that deviates from the moderate is blameworthy, for the ego must be struggled with and trained.

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