Some Unique Chains of Hadith – Imam al-Suyuti


The hadith master Imam al-Suyuti presents the following unique chains in his work Al-Fanid fi Halawat al-Asanid:

Hadith Chain Containing Four Female Companions: 2 of His Wives and 2 of His Step Daughters

Imam al-Suyuti with his chain to: Zaynab daughter of Umm Salamah from Habibah daughter Umm Habibah from her mother Umm Habibah from Zaynab bint Jahsh (Allah be pleased with all of them) that she said,

“The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) woke up with his face reddened saying: There is no god except Allah! Woe be to the Arabs from an evil which has drawn near. Today the barrier (radam*) of Yajuj and Majuj has opened, and he gestured with his hand with the ten gesture.
I said: O Messenger of Allah, would we be destroyed even if the pious are amongst us?
He said: Yes, if corruption becomes prevalent.”

Ibn Abi Shaybah and via him Muslim (2880) and Ibn Majah (3953)

Our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) narrating from Ibrahim al-Khalil

Imam al-Suyuti narrates with his chain to Abdullah bin Masud (Allah be pleased with him) that he said:  The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “I saw Ibrahim al-Khalil (Upon him be peace) the night of the Isra.  He said: O Muhammad! Convey my greetings to your ummah and inform them that the soil of paradise is fertile and its water is pure. It is * and planting therein is the statement: SubhanAllah, Wal-Hamdulillah, La Ilaha Illa Allah, Allahu Akbar and La Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.”

Mujam al-Kabir of Tabarani (10363), it was narrated by al-Tirmidhi without the Hawqalah and said:  This is a Hasan Gharib hadith via this route from Ibn Masud.

Hadith Chain Containing 5 Companions Narrating from Each Other

Imam al-Suyuti with his chain to: Abdullah bin Amr bin al-Aas from Uthman bin Affan from Umar bin al-Khattab from Abu Bakr al-Siddiq from Bilal (Allah be pleased with all of them) who said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Death is an expiation for every Muslim.”

Abu Nuaym al-Asbahani inn Akhbar Asbahan (2/231)/ Suyuti mentioned that it was graded Sahih by Imam Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi and graded Hasan by Hafiz al-Iraqi.

Hadith Chain of a Companion Narrating from Tabi’i from a Companion

Imam al-Suyuti with his chain: Saib bin Yazid from Abd al-Rahman bin Abd al-Qari from Umar bin al-Khattab (Allah be pleased with him) that he said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever misses something from his wird -or he said Hizb – from the night and he recites it between the Fajr and Zuhr prayer, it is as if he recited that night.”

Musnad Ahmad (1/32) Muslim (747) and others with the wording of “sleeping through”.

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