Special Lecture: The Tasawwuf of Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj

Asslamu Alaikum,

We are pleased and fortunate to announce the next in our series of special guest lectures with Shaykh Rami Nsour al-Idrisi from the Tayba Foundation in California.

Shaykh Rami will be speaking on the topic of the personal practice of the science of tasawwuf of the recently deceased great Mauritanian scholar Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj (Allah have mercy on him).

In addition to detailing Shaykh Murabit’s approach to spirituality the lecture will also touch on his methodology of teaching spirituality to students who came to study with him.

About Shaykh Rami Nsour al-Idrisi

Rami Nsour is a scholar, counselor, public speaker, teacher, and translator of Islamic texts. Spending seven years in Mauritania studying Islamic studies at some of the foremost Islamic colleges, Shaykh Rami received licensure (ijaza) to share his wisdom with students. Further enhancing his extensive study of fiqh, Nsour completed an extraordinary ‘in-residence’ experience, allowing him to research questions (fatawa) of Islamic faith, law, and practice.

Rami Nsour cofounded the Tayba Foundation, the first organization in the United States to offer a distance-learning program in Islamic Education to incarcerated men and women. Shaykh Rami has extensive experience in curriculum development, specifically in character (akhlaq), and holds a B.A. in Human Development with a focus on Early Childhood. He also obatained an M.A. in Educational Psychology. A resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, he lives with his wife and three children.

How Can I Attend?

Please register for this free event via the form below (please click on Cart when it displays to go to the checkout). Closer to the date of the lecture we will be emailing the link for the online lecture to attendees.

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  1. Salaams!

    Could we please find out if there is a recording?

    I am desperate to know and upset that I missed out!

    May Allah reward you with all forms of good

  2. Wa Alaikum al-Salam,

    Some of the clips have now been added to youtube, those who registered for the event were emailed about this. If you need further information please let us know.

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