The Nasafi Creed


A project we are currently working on is a new English edition of the Nasafi creed with a set of simple and easy to understand explanatory notes. This text is  widely taught across the Muslim world, especially in areas where the Hanafi school is prevalent. The new edition we are preparing has the following features:

  1. The Arabic text of the Nasafi creed is presented checked against the Ottoman and other editions.
  2. The Edgar Earl translation has been relied upon with changes and improvements
  3. The text has been arranged in to chapters
  4. Basic explanatory notes have been added based primarily on the excellent contemporary commentary of Shaykh Abd al-Malik al-Sadi in addition to other works.
  5. The explanatory notes aim to present evidences from the Quran and Sunnah where possible, with very little by way of the ilm al-kalam arguments.

We hope that this work will be ready soon inshAllah.


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