And He was praised Allah bless Him and give Him peace by some poets from His companions, amongst them Ka’b bin Zuhayr bin Abi Salma in his well known poem ‘Banat Suad’ And He Allah bless Him and give Him peace rewarded them for it meaning the praise. The scholars have mentioned that when Ka’b bin Zuhayr recited his poem ‘Banat Suad’ in front of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) whilst He was listening, and he reached his words:
The Messenger is a light that illuminates
The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) placed his cloak (burda) that He was wearing on him. Therefore the people of knowledge have said: this poem is the one which is deserving of being called ‘al-Burda’ because al-Mustafa (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) gave Ka’b His blessed cloak. As for the poem of al-Busairi, it is deserving of being called ‘al-Bara’ah’ because he was afflicted with a stroke, and was half paralysed such that the doctors could find no cure for him. When he composed the poem he saw al-Mustafa (Allah bless Him and give Him peace) who wiped over him with His hand, such that he was immediately cured.
Muawiyah (Allah be pleased with him) offered Ka’b 10,000 dirhams for this cloak. He (Ka’b) said: I would not give anyone preference over a cloth of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless Him and give Him peace). When Ka’b died Muawiyah offered his inheritors 20,000 dirhams and purchased it from them. It is the cloak which is in the posession of the Sultan’s till this day. And it is said: It is the one that the Khulafa wore on Eid’s. Al-Shami said: It no longer exists, as it is clear that it was lost during the incident of the Tatars.
Al-Zarqani said in ‘Sharh al-Mawahib’: Al-Yamari has collated His poets who praised Him with poetry from the men and women companions, he reached close to 200 (in number).