Saleh Abu Hashim

Saleh Abu Hashim

Kaydani: Sunnah Acts of Prayer -Pt.7

The specific are ten:1- The Imam reciting the takbirat aloud[1]2- The followers starting with the Imams takbir[2]3- Following the Imam in all of his actions[3]4- Tawwudh[4]5- Reciting it silently[5]6- The tasmiyah after it[6]7- Reciting it silently[7]These four[8] are for the…

Kaydani: Sunnah Acts of Prayer -Pt.6

*Chapter Three: The Recommended ActsThey are twenty sevenThe general amongst them are seventeen, they are:1- Raising the hands in the opening takbir[1]2- Raising the hands in the qunut[2]3- Raising the hands in the takbirs of eid[3]4- Spreading[4] out of the…