Mawlid Mecca 2015
Salam Above is a picture taken at a mawlid in Mecca at the home of Sidi Fuad Ibrahim Usta in the month of Rabi al Awwal 2015. In the distance on the left you can just about make out the…
Salam Above is a picture taken at a mawlid in Mecca at the home of Sidi Fuad Ibrahim Usta in the month of Rabi al Awwal 2015. In the distance on the left you can just about make out the…
Salam The world of Sunni Islam earlier on today lost one of its great hidden gems from the sacred city of Mecca, namely the Ba Alawi Sayyid famed for his high isnad and hadith scholarship: Habib Hamid bin Alawi bin…
Salam The picture above is of a blessed gathering which took place in the Midlands in the month of Ramadan wherein the Jaliyat al-Kadr regarding the martyrs of Badr was recited with a chain of transmission back to its author.…