Category Other

Dream Interpretation

Salam Dream interpretation is an ‘art’ which cannot be attempted based on the cursory reading of various books on the subject, rather we have scholars within our ummah (community) those who have been blessed with the ability to interpret such…

The Name Zamzami

Salam. Every so often whilst reading various material I would occasionally stumble across the interesting name ‘al-Zamzami’. Alhumdulillah I recently found some information (in Sh. Saaid Bakdash’s excellent work) which shed some light on the use of this name and…

Repentance- Sh. Abu Bakr al-Mulla

Salam Sh. Abu Bakr al-Mulla in his work ‘Wasilah al-Talab’ after mentioning the major sins goes on to mention the issues related to repentance (tawbah). This is what he (May Allah have mercy on him) had to say: Repentance and…