Garments Below Ankles (Isbal) in the Hanbali School- Shaykh al-Asmari

Shaykh Salih al-Asmari was questioned regarding the relied upon opinion in the Hanbali school related to the hanging of a persons garments below their ankles without pride and without a need to do so.  The summary of his answer is that it is disliked and not unlawful.   He answered with the following:

Answer: The position of the Madhab regarding this is that it is disliked, and their (the scholars of the Madhab) statements regarding the issue are well know, amongst them are the following:

Shams Ibn Muflih (Allah have mercy on him) said in ‘al-Furu’ (2/60):  “The more correct opinion is that it is disliked below the ankles without a need to do so”

Alaa al-Din al-Mardawi (Allah have mercy on him) said in ‘al-Insaf’ (1/472): “It is disliked to lengthen it to below the ankles without a need to do so according to the most correct of the two narrations”

Burhan Ibn Muflih (Allah have mercy on him) said in ‘al-Mubdi’ (1/332):  “It is disliked according to the most correct opinion: (meaning the garments being) below the ankles without need to do so”

Mari al-Karmi (Allah have mercy) on him said ‘Ghayah al-Muntaha’ (1/346):  “It is disliked that that the garment be above half of the shin or below the ankles without a need to do so”

Benefit: Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah (Allah have mercy on him) was not of the view that it was unlawful, and was silent regarding it being disliked.  Ibn Muflih al-Maqdisi said in ‘Adab al-Shariyyah’ (4/171):  “Shaykh Taqi al-Din chose the view of it not being unlawful and did not deal with whether it was disliked or not”

And Allah is the giver of success

Shaykh Salih bin Muhammad bin Hasan al-Asmari


  1. al-salam alaykum,

    What is the meaning of a “disliked action” in the Hanbali madhhab? Does its performance incur any degree of sin, or is its performance neither rewarded nor punished while its non-performance is rewarded?

  2. I was just about to ask the same question as Sidi Mustafa…

    Since in the Hanafi Madhhab, if an action is Makruh Tahriman, it incurs sin, whereas this is different in other Madhhab

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