Anfas al-Arifin: A Journey to Ajmer

Salam.  Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi mentions the following story in his wonderful ‘Anfas al-Arifin’ regarding his father’s miracles.  I have on reasonably good authority an incident similar to this occurring in recent times with Shaykh Mahmud Effendi in Istanbul (may Allah…

Anfas al-Arifin: Relief From Pain

Salam A brother from the States kindly painstakingly scanned and sent me a copy of what could perhaps be described as Shah Waliullah al-Dehlawi’s wonderful spiritual biography of his father entitled ‘Anfas al-Arifin’.  It was originally written in Persian and…

Fiqh of Promises

Salam.  I compiled these notes from the ‘Mawsuah’ volume 44 a while back.  As always those who are firmly grounded in Hanafi fiqh please send in any corrections.  Note: Please read carefully, the article is not saying it is ok…