Seal of Prophethood

Salam I came across the wonderful commentary of Imam al-Jazari’s poem on the sirah called ‘Dhat al-Shifa’, the commentary being by Allamah Muhammad bin al-Haaj Hasan al-Aalaani al-Kurdi (d.1189) from the village of ‘Sanjawi’ in the district of Sehdeshat in…

Burda From The Hijaz

Salam Looking through some of the old audio’s I still have (alhumdulilah), I found the following heartwarming rendition of a chapter of the burda from a gathering in the Hijaz.  I was given the file by some Hijazi students studying…

Al-Khair al-Kathir: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: On The Necessity Of  Sending Blessings Upon Our Master The Messenger of Allah (Allah Bless Him And Give Him Peace) Hadith Twenty Six: From Ali bin Abi Talib (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah…