Iranian Turkoman Sunni Scholar
Sheikh Nur Muhammad Nurizad, the Sunni scholar, Imam and Khatib of the Friday prayers in the town of Kanbad Kawas in northern Iran passed away recently on the 14 of Rabi al-Awal. He (May Allah have mercy on him) was…
Sheikh Nur Muhammad Nurizad, the Sunni scholar, Imam and Khatib of the Friday prayers in the town of Kanbad Kawas in northern Iran passed away recently on the 14 of Rabi al-Awal. He (May Allah have mercy on him) was…
It Is Necessitated By:– Meaning those matters which make it obligatory (fard) for a person to perform ghusl Ejaculation– Meaning the appearance of semen– From the private parts, whether it be whilst awake or when asleepThe semen of a man…
The specific are ten:1- The Imam reciting the takbirat aloud[1]2- The followers starting with the Imams takbir[2]3- Following the Imam in all of his actions[3]4- Tawwudh[4]5- Reciting it silently[5]6- The tasmiyah after it[6]7- Reciting it silently[7]These four[8] are for the…