Tawassul Through the Awliyah

Salam . Tawassul Through the Awliyah in the Hanafi School Please find above an extract from the hanafi fiqh primer ‘Nur al-Idah/Maraqi al-Falah’ along with its supercommentary called ‘Hashiyah al-Tahtawi’. The text underlined clearly mentions that when we visit Madinah…

Mature Students

Salam. Please find some brief accounts of scholars who began their quest for knowledge at a relatively later stage of their live’s, Inshallah should be encouragement for us that we should never give up nor feel we are too old…

Benefits of Using a Tasbih

Salam Sh al-Luknawi in his ‘Hadiyyah al-Abrar’ (p.61-62) mentions some of the benefits (fawaid) of using prayer beads, often referred to as a ‘tasbih’ in the lands of India. He (Allah have mercy on him) said regarding its benefits: ***From…