Gatherings of Hope

Salam, Please find in this pdf a collection of short works which can be recited during a gathering or when alone. The works are taken from a variety of celebrated scholars and consist of the following: 1, Qasīda ‘Iqd al-Thamīn…

The Sunan Related to Zakat & Charity

Salam Please find below points taken and abridged from the work Shiratul Islam  Shaykh Muhammad bin Abi Bakr better known as Imamzadah d.573. The Sunan Related to Zakat & Charity Zakat is a protection for one’s wealth, it has been…

Errata for The Beginner’s Gift

Salam Please note the following errata for “The Beginner’s Gift”, as you are aware the main text is repeated twice in the book, thus the mention of two page numbers for one passage. p.13/40: “minor ritual impurity” should read as…