People Can Change

Salam On Wednesday I ventured once again to the bookfair in Abu Dhabi’s modern looking exhibition centre, alhumdulilah it was relatively easier to reach the place compared to the trek to Sharjah’s bookfair. The main highlight of the bookfair in…

Wujub al-Darud

Salam Another gem from Imam Abu Bakr al-Mulla’s commentary Minhaj al-Raghib: “Know that sending salutations upon Him (Allah bless him and give him peace) is compulsory (wajib). There are varying opinions as to when it is compulsory. One: After the…


Salam Alhumdulillah, I was finally able to finish the formal study of the Ajrumiyyah today. Ever since hearing of this text so many years ago I had hoped to study it with someone in a way that it would make…